Enterprise Worldwide
MPLS Network Security - Additional Demand From Sensitive Workloads

MPLS Network Security – Get Help When Workloads Are Sensitive

Discover why network security is a primary concern, and why MPLS alone may not be enough to address it.

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While MPLS networks offer a number of performance benefits, many implementations lack adequate protection against today’s cyber threats.

Encryption and security event monitoring of these networks is critical, but are the enterprises adopting MPLS networks aware of the need for additional security measures, and the vulnerabilities their network may face by failing to implement them?

This profile examines the use of MPLS networks and security controls by US-based multinational enterprises, how those companies perceive the security of their networks, and what consideration WAN decision-makers are giving to managed services strategies to provide the necessary levels of protection while reducing security management and operational challenges.

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  • Which of these statements do you feel best represents your organization’s current network security priority?
